Entering ABN in Reckon Accounts Personal, Home & Business.

Legacy KB ID: 5647


I wish to enter my ABN so it appears in the invoices. Where can I enter the ABN number in?


You can enter the ABN from within the ‘Invoice/Estime list’ window.

Who does this apply to?

Reckon Accounts Personal Home & Business users only.

Detailed steps.

1) Go to ‘Business’ menu on the top menu bar.

2) Scroll down to ‘Invoices and Estimates’ and ‘Create Invoice/Estimate’

3) This will open two windows, ‘Invoice/Estimate List’ and another window to create a new Invoice/Estimate.

4) Close the ‘Invoice/Estimate’ window.

5) Navigate to ‘ABN field’ in the ‘Invoice/Estimate list’ window and enter the ABN in it.

Need more help?

Ask the Reckon Community at: https://community.reckon.com/

Or Log a Support Ticket: https://www.reckon.com/au/support/

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