Reckon Accounts Invoices To Be Sent Does Not Have Current/Updated Details


As I go to email a customer their invoice, I've noticed the email address listed has an old email address and/or old contact details.

I may have noticed this after the invoice was sent as well.


This issue occurs when you have done the following:

  1. Created an invoice and ticked for it "to be emailed".
  2. Gone into the "Send Forms" (File > Send Forms) screen at some stage but didn't send the invoice initially.
  3. Edited the customer's record - e.g. their name, address, email address etc.
  4. Went back into the "Send Forms" screen and notice the details listed are still the old details.

When you mark an invoice to be emailed, Reckon Accounts saves it in a temporary PDF file.  This is what you see in the Send Forms window. 

Changes made to the email address of the employee record will not flow to any existing temporary PDF.

When you send from Send Forms, you will be sending with the old email.   


To fix this issue, either:

  1. Go to File > Send Forms > Remove the email
  2. Edit/update the customer’s details
  3. Tick the form to be emailed again
  4. The email will now have the latest details ready to be sent



  1. Untick the form to be emailed > save the record
  2. Edit/update the customer’s details
  3. Tick for the invoice to be emailed again
  4. The email will now have the latest details ready to be sent

If Issue Persists

If the email still sends with the old address, the problem may be with Outlook.  Users have found this workaround resolved the issue:

  1. In Outlook , go to File > People or Contacts > Suggested Contacts;
  2. Search for the old email address;
  3. Delete it. 
  4. Try sending the email again.


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