Cannot refund Layby if initial payment was included in the Layby Sale

Legacy KB ID: 3959


Why can’t I refund a layby?  I get the message ‘Error – Layby Sale cannot result in a negative balance’.   


This issue occurs when you accept the initial deposit with the original Layby transaction.  In processing the transaction in this way the Layby is saved as the remaining balance.  When you attempt to refund the item, the full cost is used which is greater than the remaining balance.  Point of Sale will not process a refund if it will result in a negative balance.

The preferred method of processing opening Layby transactions will avoid this problem.  Opening layby transactions should be processed in two Point Of Sale transactions:

·         The first to record the layby sale at the item price;

·         The second is to accept the initial deposit and reduce the remaining balance.



When refunding the layby item you must also refund the initial deposit.

1.    Select the Layby Customer:

Layby Account > Select Customer > OK > Clear

2.    Click on Refund and select the Product

3.    Enter the amount of the initial deposit and select Tender Method (e.g. Cash)

4.    Click on Tender Layby to complete the transaction.

If you are not making any charges for the cancellation of the layby, you can refund the customer the initial deposit.


If you charge a cancellation fee then process another transaction for that fee:

1.    Click on Product and select your Layby Cancellation Fee service item

2.    Enter the amount of the initial deposit as the amount tendered

3.    If the Fee is less than the initial deposit then Point of Sale will print the amount of Change to give the customer. 


If a discount was applied

Where a layby item had a discount applied, then you will have this issue if the layby is canceled.  You will need to Refund the discount as well to process the cancellation. 


Additional Information

If your Layby cancellation fee varies between cancellations (for example, it is based on a percentage, or you have a non-refundable policy), you should set your Layby Cancellation Fee service item at a basic unit like $0.01.  You can then use the Quantity function to adjust the fee to the desired amount. 

For example, you have your Layby Cancellation Fee set to $0.01 and this cancellation requires a fee of $50.00.   You would enter 5000 then and select the Layby Cancellation Fee service item to generate the $50.00 cost. 


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