How to Submit a Nil STP Submission to the ATO using Reckon One


I'm using Reckon One and I need to be able to send the ATO a "Nil" STP submission. How can I do this?


Please follow the following steps:

  1. 1. Go to Payroll>Single Touch Payroll (EOFY) 
  2. Create a EOFY record for the year you wish to report Nil for by clicking on Add, choosing the year, then clicking Add single touch payroll (EOFY) report
  3. Click on the record generated. Tick only those employees who need to be included in the nil report on the left. If you need to report nil for all employees, tick them all.
  4. Choose the arrow on the right of send to GovConnect STP, and select Send Zero YTD STP report. 
  5. Open Reckon GovConnect, click on details to the right of your draft, confirm the amounts are zero, and submit. 

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